Social Media and its growing influence
It would seem that more than we know it, social media has taken the front seat, handled the steering, and is pushing our lives in the direction it wants. The worst part is that social media is in the hands of those who's major concern is profit. Thus, they pick the stories about death, about killings, all wrongs that exists and feed them to us because they know that the human mind craves for such. What they don't know (I'd like to think like that, excuse them for this) is that such negativity is adversely affecting the people's way of life. Cultures are evolving and with the increase in knowledge and information, crueler people are emerging. Instead of thinking of ways to better the status quo, they device machineries that are mirror images of diabolism. I cringe when I imagine that killings now seem so normal. Just this evening, someone popular was killed. Two shots to the head. People gathered. From his surname, I think I might know someone in the family because we st...